Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus - Froglets/Juveniles
***Pictures are representative of the species and not of the individual***
Froglets are well-started and at least 3-4 months out of water. All froglets are readily eating dusted fruit flies. Froglets of Dendrobates tinctorius can be kept in groups up until sexual maturity. Upon reaching maturity they should be split into male:female (1.1) pairs, individuals or in some cases a fraternity.
Dendrobates tinctorius, often called tincs, were colloquially called the Dyeing Poison Dart Frog due to the misinformed belief that these brightly colored frogs were used to dye the fabrics of the native Amazonians. Tincs are not a bunch of different morphs but are a plethora of distinct and individual locales. There are over 50 described locales, Azureus, Bakhuis, Citronella, Nikita, Oyapok, Patricia, Robertus, and the list goes on. Some of these locales look incredibly similar but can be separated by hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometers. Due to this it is important that we do not cohabitate with different locales, allowing each to stay distinct. Being all the same species, crossbreeding of Dendrobates tinctorius poses a threat to the hobby and the loss of rare locales due to this is detrimental. Individual locales also show different characteristics (Citronellas are a very large dart frog while Lorenzos are very small) but can also have different social interactions or territorial needs. DO NOT cohabitate different dart frog species or locales.
Dendrobates tinctorius is a larger dart frog species ranging between 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches. This can be variable as previously stated. D. tinctorius have a wide range, being indigenous to Central America, and the northern and central regions of South America. Despite this wide range, D. tinctorius are splintered into unique individual localities that have separated and adapted to their differing environments. The Sipalwani Savannah in Suriname is quite a different place than the rainforest of the Tumucumaque Mountains in Brazil.
This is one of the boldest species of dart frogs, with only Phyllobates terriblis (The Terrible Poison Dart Frog, who is also the most toxic) being bolder. Tincs are often exploring their enclosures throughout the day only retreating as nightfall approaches. With locales ranging from brilliant oranges to exquisite blues and a medley of combinations of yellows, greens, black and blue Dendrobates tinctorius is truly a stunning frog.
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