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Armadillidium nasatum 'Peach'

Armadillidium nasatum 'Peach'

10 count


Armadillidium nasatum are Armadillidium’s jack-of-all-trades. Capable in tropical enclosures as well as semi-arid, these isopods make a great cleanup crew. Once established these pods can even do well in enclosures where they may face predation. Though they can be used in a wide range of environment types they do appreciate higher humidity levels but require good ventilation. They like it humid, not wet.

Armadillidium should be given lots of leaf litter and wood. Vegetables like carrot, squash and cucumber may be provided. They also appreciate small amounts of protein; this is most easily achieved with high quality fish food or dried fish/insects. A calcium source should also be provided (eggshell, calcium supplements, cuttlebone, etc.).

Another fantastic option is Repashy Bug Burger or Morning Wood. Using these as a food source contains all the important vitamins, minerals, proteins, and cellulose isopods crave. But don’t skimp on the leaf litter.

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